It all began in 1893 when Iowa agricultural implement dealers from across the state braved a “snow blockade” to travel to Des Moines, Iowa, where they met and discussed ways to “promote the interest of and secure the friendly cooperation of implement dealers.” After two days of meetings, the dealers joined together to form the Iowa Retail Implement Dealers Association.
The dealers identified several objectives for the group, with the primary goal, “to bring about a better feeling among manufacturers, jobbers and dealers in the state and, if possible, to procure for the farmers better and more perfect goods at the lowest possible prices…” Dues for the association were just $2/year.
Today, nearly 125 years later, the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association continues the work started by those dealers so long ago. Our small, veteran team is dedicated to the equipment industry and takes great pride in looking out for the best interests of Iowa and Nebraska agricultural, construction, and outdoor power equipment dealers and distributors.