515-223-5119 info@ineda.com

[Author: Andrew Goodman, 07.2016 | Keywords: Executive Insight, NAEDA, EDA]

The North American Equipment Dealers Association (NAEDA) was founded in 1900 by a group of state and regional association executives who gathered together for a meeting in Chicago. At that time, they felt it was important for all dealers and equipment dealers associations to be united on two particular issues – industry relations and government relations. For more than 100 years, NAEDA was a federation of associations with its board of directors consisting of one dealer member as a director from each of the affiliated associations.

In 2013, by a vote of 9 to 7, the NAEDA board of directors decided to disband the federation and create a board of directors consisting of one director elected from seven arbitrarily defined regions across North America. The North Central Region, which includes Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, South Dakota and North Dakota, is currently represented by Ivan Dorhout from Town and Country Implement in Rock Valley, Iowa. It is important to note that these regional directors are elected by dealers, not associations. This means that state and regional associations, such as I-NEDA, are no longer directly affiliated with what is now known as the Equipment Dealers Association (EDA).

In the past, INEDA paid the NAEDA membership dues so all of our members were also NAEDA members. However, starting with our new fiscal year (October 1, 2016) INEDA will no longer be paying dues to NAEDA (now known as EDA). Going forward, EDA will bill dealers directly for their dues. As a result, you will notice that your INEDA dues have been lowered (effective with the October 1, 2016 fiscal year) to help compensate for the EDA separate dues billing.

You will continue to see the high level of support from I-NEDA that you have come to expect since 1893. INEDA will continue to work with EDA on issues with a national or international scope.

I welcome any questions you may have on this subject. Please feel free to contact me at 800-622-0016 or andyg@ineda.com.


About the Author

Andrew Goodman

Andy has worked in the equipment industry for 47 years; 22 of those leading I-NEDA. His extensive knowledge and experience helps Andy guide our members through dealer-manufacturer relationships, complicated mergers and acquisitions, and legislative issues. When he’s not working, Andy enjoys riding his motorcycle, fishing, model railroading and spending time with his wife and grandchildren.