The Equipment Dealers Association (EDA) is pleased to share that the Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association (INEDA) Board of Directors has contributed a generous donation of $10,000 to the Equipment Dealers Foundation’s (EDF) Disaster Relief Fund.
“INEDA has seen this fund be put to use firsthand, so I am proud that our Board of Directors approved this donation,” said Andrew Goodman, President/CEO. “Over the past 9 years, EDF has helped 21 employees at 12 different dealerships in our two-state area and we are thrilled to be able to pay it forward and assist other employees of dealers in need.”
The Disaster Relief Fund, established in 2005 following Hurricane Katrina, provides financial aid to dealerships employees who are impacted by natural disasters. Grant money can be used for temporary housing, food, water and other necessities.
“In recent months, we’ve seen unprecedented numbers of applications for Disaster Relief Grants,” said Joe Dykes, VP of Industry Relations for EDA. Despite the number of generous donations from our members and industry partners, it’s been difficult to keep up with demand. INEDA’s donation will enable us to continue sending funds to those who desperately need our help.”
The EDF continues to collect donations to replenish its Disaster Relief Fund. All funds raised go directly to assist equipment dealers and their employees. Donations can be made using this pledge card:
Checks should be made out to Equipment Dealers Foundation and mailed to:
Equipment Dealers Foundation
165 N. Meramec Ave. Suite 430
St. Louis, MO 63105
If you prefer to donate using a credit card, please call EDA’s office at 636.349.5000
For those seeking assistance as a result of a natural disaster, EDA is here to help. Please call for additional information or fill out the Disaster Relief Application.