Last year, INEDA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with AED, a national association of equipment dealers whose roots began in the construction industry and have successfully expanded into the agriculture industry as well. For our members, we believe all members of our association have benefited from this MOU.
At the federal level, AED ’s expertise on national policy issues, key relationships with federal regulatory agency leaders, members of Congress and the Executive Branch are vital in steering legislative decisions or proposed bills in the right direction. Our Washington DC Fly-in is an excellent chance to experience this in action. Consider joining us in 2025.
One of their education-based opportunities for INEDA’s AED members is their annual summit. Whether you’re interested in inventory management best practices, future economic forecasts or succession planning, there are a variety of sessions hosted by subject matter experts that will give attendees answers to questions or provide resources that you can turn to for more information. Keynote speakers such as George Bush, Jr, Mike Pompeo, or General James Mattis share their experiences at this event that leaves you inspired to be an American.
Today, Right to Repair continues to surface at a national level by regulatory agencies and congressional delegates. AED and INEDA are closely monitoring prospective bills where proposed amendments with language detrimental to our equipment dealers are being initiated. Keeping a close eye on R2R, or other proposed policy changes requires us to stay vigilant and prepared on your behalf.
With this issue of the Retailer, we are highlighting the construction industry. Yet, we view ourselves as one association supporting the needs of all members at all levels. Our relationship with AED is an example of this commitment to action.