515-223-5119 info@ineda.com

Getting What You Pay For Money Alone Is Not Enough

[By Christine E. Branstad, J.D., 2010; R-2013 | Keywords: Business, Insurance] Paying your insurance premiums doesn’t always mean that you’ll get a check if you have a loss. Insurance coverage is a legal “contract.” Your insurance company may refuse to pay you (ignore their contractual obligations) if you do not comply with the terms of the policy (ignore your contractual obligations). Many insureds are tripped up by failure to provide the insurance company with accurate ongoing information about your business. In one case after fire destroyed a five-year old building, the owner learned for the first time that the “new”… Read More »

When Disaster Strikes…Is Your Business Prepared?

[2010; R-2013 | Keywords: Business, Disaster] Midwesterners often joke that if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. It seems like weather across Iowa and Nebraska is always changing. The winter months feature below-zero wind chills, blizzards and ice storms, while the warmer spring and summer months bring tornadoes, floods, flat line winds, hail and severe thunderstorms. While these forces of Mother Nature are part of living in the Midwest, any one of them can wreak havoc on a business. Already this year, Iowa and Nebraska have both experienced crippling ice storms, floods and several tornadoes – and there’s… Read More »

Merchant Credit Card Processors Which One is Right for You?

[2011; R-2013 | Keywords: Business, Credit Card] Looking for ways to cut business expenses? If so, one area that could potentially save you hundreds (perhaps thousands) of dollars each year is your merchant credit card program. The Association office regularly receives calls from companies all over the U.S. wanting us to switch to their program, in addition to calls from members who’ve received similar inquiries. Often, what “X” processor offers sounds (and is) too good to be true. Because when specific, detailed questions are asked that’s usually the case (though sometimes not admitted until written verification is requested about what… Read More »

Uniform/Linen Rental Contracts

[By Lance Formwalt, Jack Selzer and Heath Hoobing of Seigfried, Bingham, Levy, Selzer & Gee, P.C., 2011; R-2013 | Keywords: Business, Contract, Rental Contract] Has anyone ever advised you to read the fine print in a contract before you sign it? While this advice is always sound, if you are like most people, you don’t typically follow this advice. The print on the back of the contract is small and usually difficult to understand. However, when it comes to certain rental contracts, not taking the time to read and understand the fine print and make changes can later cause you… Read More »

Seven Ways Your CPA Can Help Grow Your Business

[2012; R-2013 | Keywords: Business, CPA] As a business owner you already know that growing your business doesn’t just happen by accident. It takes hard work and patience, a bit of creativity, a little luck…and sound financial insights. This is where your CPA can help. The following are different ways CPAs can assist you in meeting and exceeding your business goals. Budgets and Projections The key to achieving the financial goals of your company is accountability. The first step is the creation of budgets and projections. The second step is to hold individuals accountable for maintaining those budgets and achieving… Read More »