[Author: Andrew E. Goodman, 01.17 | Keywords: Executive Insight, Management] Occasionally, I am asked to assist senior management teams or boards of directors with long range or strategic planning. At the outset, I usually find a lack of understanding in regards to the duties and obligations of the board and a degree of dysfunctionality within the group. To help rectify this situation, I typically suggest a five step approach: Analyze each individual board member and senior manager Understand the important characteristics of directors and managers Develop an explanation of the strategic planning procedure Identify the functions and responsibilities of directors… Read More »
[Author: Andrew Goodman, 09.2016 | Keywords: Executive Insight, Business, Management] As businesses continue to grow, the importance of competent, effective management will increase. Management education and skill requirements will also grow as society and technology become more advanced. Experience has shown that three distinct areas of management can affect the overall performance and profitability of a business. The first area is marketing. It is vital to know and understand your customers’ needs and to carry or develop products that meet those needs. Knowing your customers’ wants and needs takes both research and a clear understanding of your customer base. The… Read More »
[2014 | Keywords: Human Resources, Management, Leadership] “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change.” – Clarence Darrow We have all heard the saying that, “Only the adaptable survive,” meaning leaders need to be more adaptable and the world is changing faster than ever. It almost seems to be a foregone conclusion that successful business leaders need to be more adaptable than ever. However, that leaves us with an important question: “What exactly is adaptability?” And, “Can it be developed?” Our definition of adaptability is, “Both the… Read More »
[2012; R-2013 | Keywords: Human Resources, Management, Personnel, Employee Skillset] Human Resources (n.) People, especially the personnel employed by a given company, institution, or the like. Who coordinates employee benefits at your business? Do you have an employee handbook? How about job descriptions and performance evaluations? Who makes sure your business is legally compliant for things like the Family Medical Leave Act? How do you manage human resources at your business? If you don’t have someone managing human resources at your business, it’s time to seriously consider hiring someone. “I think the human resources function is probably more necessary today… Read More »