A limited number of scholarships are available to help train current and potential Iowa and Nebraska equipment dealership employees. INEDA will provide matching scholarships up to $1,500 for the 2021-2022 school year, which means if a dealer commits $1,500 in funding, the Association will match the scholarship with $1,500, for a grand total of $3,000. Apply by April 16.
The Equipment Dealers Foundation (EDF), the charitable arm of the Equipment Dealers Association (EDA), recently announced its scholarship recipients for the 2020-21 academic year. Seven recipients were sponsored by Iowa-Nebraska Equipment Dealers Association (INEDA) dealerships. The EDF scholarship was created to support the education, training and further development of current and potential employees in the equipment industry. Scholarship recipients are awarded $1,000 from EDF, which is matched by their sponsoring dealership for a total of $2,000. Congratulations to the following: Carter Broek | Van’s Implement | Hull, IA Cody Darby | 21st Century Equipment | Sidney, NE Ross Klitz |… Read More »
INEDA has a limited number of matching fund scholarships available for the 2019-2020 school year to help train current and potential employees of Iowa and Nebraska equipment dealers. Deadline: April 15 [Program Details] [Scholarship Application]